About Søren Jensen
I was born and raised in Odense (Denmark) and had a lovely childhood. From a very young age I knew I wanted to become a cabinet-maker following my father’s and grandfather’s footsteps.
After having finished my studies I first traveled and worked a few years all over the world broadening my view and gaining work experience. Then in 1991 I met my wife Danielle and ended up living in Holland, where I started my own business as a cabinet-maker. I have always loved my job but after so many years I felt it was time for a change.
Physically the work could be quite hard and my body showed symptoms of pain and stiffness mainly in my right shoulder.
Via my wife Danie I was introduced to Body Stress Release. With admiration I had already seen that BSR had cured her from her migraines after suffering of those for so many years. In 2010 she had started her own practice and I witnessed with her the wonderful results BSR gave to so many people of all ages.
What impresses me the most is that this health technique is giving people the faith back in the functioning of their bodies.
My own shoulder injury was healed after only a few BSR releases and sometimes my back was really aching to the point of not being able to bend anymore. After a release and a good night sleep I always felt a new person the next day. So I started to get really excited myself and decided to change tack!
I took the big step and applied to the BSR Academy in Rondevlei in South-Africa. Going back to school was hard work, it had been years since I studied, but when one starts to learn about the unique healing ability of the human body, and BSR’s profound influence on the nervous system it’s truly inspiring and motivating.
The BSR Practice Wassenaar is now run by the both of us and therefore the practice hours have been increased which is great for our clients as we are now also open on Saturday morning and on Monday and Thursday evening. That will be convenient for those who find it hard to find time during the day.
I look very much forward to meet you and to contribute to optimilize your most precious gift “your body’s in built self-healing system”.